Monday, November 17, 2014

Snus in Freezer, Nov. 2014

Taboca Strong Mini 25
Taboca Los 22
Roda Lacket Los 17
Gotlandssnus Julesnus Los 9
General Los 8
Kronan Los 7
V2 Nordstrommen Julesnus Los 6
Gotlandssnus Gul (Yellow) Los 4
Grov Los 4
Oval Christmas Snus Portion 4
Ettan Los 2
Goteborgs Rape Los 2
Gotlandssnus Anis Los 2
Gotlandssnus Julesnus Portion 2
Jakobsson's Classic Portion 2
LD Los 2
LD Salmiak (old style) Portion 2
Odens ES Los 2
Phantom Classic Brown Los 2
Probe Los 2
Thunder ES Blue Portion 2
Thunder Frosted Portion 2
Discreet Emerald Ice Portion 1
Discreet Peach Portion 1
Discreet Strawberry Portion 1
General Ekstra Sterk Los 1
Gotlandssnus Anis Portion 1
Gotlandssnus Flader Portion 1
Gustavus Los 1
Jakobsson's IceFruit Portion 1
Knox Los 1
Level Portion 1
Metropol Peparmint Vit Portion 1
Nicofree Choice Salt Licorice Mini Portion 1
Odens ES Kanel Portion 1
Offroad American Wintergreen Los 1
Offroad Coffee Vanilla Portion 1
Offroad Cranberry Portion 1
Offroad Sweet Clove Portion 1
Rothbrix Los 1
Rothbrix Classic Blue Los 1
Skruf Stark Los 1
Thunder ES Original Los 1
Triumph Mint Portion 1



  1. Wow, I haven't seen Triumph Mint in ages, I opened my last can a few years ago, but I sure do miss that one. Good to see you're still around! I read SnusOn from time to time and saw your post so I thought I'd say hello. They threw me out a while back so I try to keep up with everyone I can.


  2. Well hey there, Chad! Good to see you. Hope you are doing well. That Triumph is something lxskllr sent me years ago and has been in my freezer every since. I just recently went back to SnusOn after a few years' vacation. I had forgotten all about this blog until I needed a place to post html and Google Drive gave me the finger. Found my own blog through Google :smh: Hope you will stay in touch!

    1. Good to see you're back! You should keep blogging, one thing the snus world has a shortage of is snus bloggers - definitely need more folks out there to help spreading the good word!

      lxskllr sent me a can of that Metropol a while back, it was pretty good - I loved the can!
